WRKACTJOB:Active jobs listed. DSPJOBLOG:Job log displayed. RUNXYZ:Job XYZ executed. ENDJOB:Internet ended. DSPUSRPRF:User profile displayed. DIR:Drive C isn't responding. Error loading drive C. VER:Net Terminal version WIN:Windows is not installed on system. LH:Nothing to show TIME: You mean, I'm supposed to keep track of time? Good luck! Get-ChildItem: No children found. Copy-Item:I won't copy that for you. Remove-Item:2000.4540 GB data removed. Trash is empty- Move-Item:Click on Move to complete, then click OK. New-Item:New item created. Clear-Host:type CLS or CLEAR or EXIT. get-all:Command Not Found; Did you try turning it off and on again? ls: List files and directories. cp: Copy files and directories. rm: Remove files and directories. mv: Move or rename files and directories. mkdir: Create a new directory. rmdir: Remove an empty directory. clear: Clear the terminal screen. fortune: "Here's a fortune cookie for you: 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'" cowsay: "Moo! I'm just a command, what do I know?" DIR: List files and directories. COPY: Copy files from one location to another. DEL: Delete files. REN: Rename files. MD: Make a directory. RD: Remove a directory. DIR /S /W:I tried to search everywhere, but I couldn't find my motivation. FUCK:I'm not a magic 8-ball. Ask me more responsibly! ASSHOLE:This command is so last season. BOOT:The system has encountered a problem. Please try rebooting your life. MAC:NO!